British Hamster Association (BHA) Show Standards Feature
(Originally on Hamsters Galore)
"But if you're not going to show your hamster, what difference do standards make?"
Maybe no difference. Maybe all that matters is that you have a gentle, healthy pet, and that's fine. But even if you're not entering your hamster in a show, there are reasons to know and use show standards.
- Standards are written to espouse the ideal. A well-formed animal has beauty which is valued in its own right.
- Temperament and health are included in the standards. Sometimes it is assumed that show standards deal only with looks. They don't, and this part of the standards is important for all hamsters without exception.
- Standards provide a selection tool. For anyone who will be breeding their hamster it only makes sense to produce good quality stock. Whether you're choosing from a tank in a pet store or selecting your next breeding animal from a litter, using the Standards will help you make the best decision.
- Standards give us a common language so we can communicate about our hamsters without confusion.
Who We Are
This feature was written and managed by Linda of AAA Hamsters and Jan of The River Road Hamstery. They both have learned BHA Standards from Lorraine Hill, author of the Pet Web Site and Standards Officer for the BHA, who has generously devoted time to answer their endless questions. Linda is the President and Judge for the California Hamster Association (CHA) and a member of the BHA standards panel. Jan lives in Michigan where there are neither hamster clubs nor shows and so does her best to learn on her own with her furry friends as guides.
Feature of the Month
Originally, this feature was presented in monthly installments with one aspect of the Standards introduced each month. It was presented as a photo contest in which members posted photos of hamsters that they believed to represent the standard well. The hamsters photographed need not have been owned by the member. Members who did not have access to a camera could surf the web for pictures of good examples. These were submitted as a link (to give credit to the photographer) and judged separately. There was a limit of two different hamster entries per member per month. Members were invited to submit multiple views ofconclusion of each feature, the Judge's Notes were appended to the contest page. (Note: Links were allowed to any site except those managed by the judges. The sites not allowed included The River Road Hamstery, AAA Hamstery, and the California Hamster Association site.)
The BHA Show Standards have been in use since the organization formed in 1992. Their Syrian standards were modified from the National Hamster Council (NHC) Standards which are over 50 years old. The BHA wrote their own Dwarf standards since there were none existing at that time. Today the two sets of standards vary more in wording than in substance. Other countries (mostly in Europe where the hamster fancy is strong) have similar standards. In the U.S., some clubs have adopted the BHA system while others have written their own. We believe that it is in the best interest of hamster fanciers to employ one international set of standards and are encouraging the use of the BHA's to this end.
To see the full set of BHA Exhibition Standards for Syrians and Dwarves click here.

Our Mascot
Sambiteyou of The River Road Hamstery is a disgruntled Show Hamster Wannabee. Like so many other geographically challenged hamsters, Sam is way out of wheeling distance of the nearest show. Nevertheless, he has his standards(!), being ridiculously vain about his figure and coat.
We hope this feature helps you to enjoy your hamsters even more than before. They are always our treasured pets, and appreciating them in yet another way can only enhance the value of caring for them.
Have fun learning and looking, and remember Sam's motto:
"I have my Standards!"
Linda and Jan
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